
I have a few questions.  See below.

On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 11:20 -0800, Shyam Sarkar wrote:
> I installed eclipse

How did you do this?

> sourced config.ini

What do you mean by this?

> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to acquire application
> service. Ensure that the org.eclipse.core.runtime bundle is resolved
> and started (see config.ini).

This likely means there's some sort of installation problem.

If you're running from distro packages (ie. you install via apt-get in
Debian or yum in Fedora ... this would be weird, though, 'cause your
buildId is "unknown"), perhaps something is messed up in your user cache
in ~/.eclipse.  Try running with -clean or moving that out of the way.
Or maybe you ran a distro-installed set of packages as root?  If so,
things could be messed up for non-root users.  You should verify that
your packages are still valid.  If you are on an RPM-based distro, run
something like "for f in `rpm -qa | grep eclipse`; do rpm -qV $f; done".

If you're running from an eclipse.org drop, you would be better off
consulting one of the Eclipse newsgroups.



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