Am 31.03.2017 um 09:16 schrieb Johannes Berg <>:

> From: Johannes Berg <>
> When adding functions one by one into documentation, in order to
> order/group things properly, it's easy to miss things. Allow use
> of the kernel-doc directive with "unused-functions" like this
> .. kernel-doc:: <filename>
>  :unused-functions:
> to output anything previously unused from that file. This allows
> grouping things but still making sure that the documentation has
> all the functions.

Do we really need such generic stuff? ... IMO explicit is better than
implicit. Why not getting an error when a function, which is referred
from a reST-document disappears in the source? Those errors help
to maintain the consistency of documentation with source-code.

In the past (DocBook) we had such generic stuff and IMO it was not
helpful to serve consistency. Take a look at the old DocBook stuff,
most of it is outdated and some object in the source-code, which are
referred in the past from DocBooks, are no longer existing ... but no
errors when compiling the DocBooks, because these are all generic

I know, there are also use-cases where generic is very helpful (e.g.
create a complete API description from the header file, with just
one line in reST). And I know, that we have already generic e.g. the
"export" option of the kernel-doc directive.

I'am not totally against generic, but I think every decision in
this direction should be well considered.

These are only my 2cent.

-- Markus --

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