Ralph Metzler wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger writes:
>  > VDR currently uses the audio IDs 0xC0 and 0xC1 for the "primary" and
>  > "secondary" audio track. I'm planing on using 0xD0 and 0xD1 for the
>  > primary and secondary digital audio tracks and introducing a new field
>  > in the channels.conf file that holds the DPIDs ("Digital audio PIDs").
>  > This can be expanded to a maximum of 16 analog and 16 digital audio
>  > PIDs later, should this appear necessary. But first I want to get the
>  > basic AC3 support running.
> What do you mean with "digital" audio tracks? Aren't they all digital?

Well, I guess I thought of the "normal" audio as the "analog" track,
as opposed to the "Dolby Digital" track.

> If you mean AC3 streams I would propose reading DPID as "Dolby audio PID".

Sure, why not - luckily both words start with "D" ;-)

> Furthermore, why don't you leave them in private streams? Anything else
> would be incompatible.

I thought since there are 32 audio packet IDs (0xC0 ... 0xDF) i'd use
the 0xC* for the "normal" and the 0xD* for the "dolby" tracks.
I must admit that I haven't had a look at the AC3 data yet.

When I set up the TS to deliver both the "primary" audio and the "secondary"
audio (i.e. for instance the original soundtrack) I get them both with
packet ID 0xC0, so I have made VDR to convert the 0xC0 in the second
audio stream to 0xC1 (see VDR's remux.c, line 433), so that I can tell them
apart when replaying.
Maybe this was not a good idea - if so, which IDs do you suggest I use?


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:     www.cadsoft.de

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