
On Thu, Jun 28, Gernot A. Weber wrote:

> my vdr setup works. So I'm heading to any new challenges :))
> My next step will be to buy a soundcard, which is able to give dolby
> digital to its digital out. Any suggestions about a product, which is good
> supported by linux?

I use a hoontech card with a Trident chip.
It is supported by alsa very well.

Please see http://www.hoontech.com

> I just saw an offer by vobis for a 100GB Maxtor HD. Is it recommendable?
> Or are there any more silent products with an equal cost/MB ratio?

Don't know; I use a 80GB Matrox disk and it is very silent (5400^-1)

> And where can I find a silent power supply or casing?
> Btw. Is there a list with the SVDR commands?

yes, type help  ;)

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

        Dieter Bloms ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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