
i think there were also changes in the CI handling with the lates CVS,
because the driver will "number" the cards an bind a CI to e.g. dvb1 ore
dvb2. You could see this on the kernel-screen, and i have tested it with 2
different CI´s on my both cards...

Could it possible that from now on one CI per Card is supportet instead of
one CI per PC?

Could someone backcheck this?

A. Share

> With the latest CVS driver VDR locks up when trying to display
> something on the OSD. I tracked this down to the BlitBitmap() call
> in DVB/driver/dvb.c's OSDSetBlock(). Apparently the dvb->bmp_state
> never changes to anything !=BMP_LOADING, so it hangs in the  'while (1)'
> loop inside BlitBitmap().
> When I use the files Dpram and Root from the CVS driver 2001-06-22, the
> OSD works with the latest driver source (but when replaying the picture
> jerks quite a bit, maybe the latest driver and this older firmware don't
> really fit together).
> The bottom line is: something must be wrong with the OSD code in the
> firmware. Since I don't have access to that source code I would appreciate
> if the driver developers could take a look at this and fix it.
> Klaus
> --

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