Chris Worley wrote:
> Chris Worley wrote:
> > Chris Worley wrote:
> >
> >> Ralph Metzler wrote:
> >>
> >>> William E. Mrozinski writes:
> >>> Please try the latest CVS version of the driver.
> >> Improvement!
> >>
> >> The colors are correct.  The image flickers and is shifted about 20%
> >> to the left.
> > This seems to be caused by vdr getting stuck in a flush... an OSD bitmap
> > move.  From past experience, this happens when OSD memory is overtaxed.
> > Since it worked before this driver switch, I'm guessing the new driver
> > puts more pressure on OSD memory.
> >
> > I've removed flush's call to "cmd", and the hang goes away.
> It seems that the "8-bit-boundry" hack (needed by OSD bitmap calls,
> documented in the "flush" routine of VDR's dvbosd.c) doesn't work for
> NTSC.  I've replaced flush's "cmd" call with a printf, they all look
> the same:
> width 480, dirtyX1 0, dirtyY1 0, dirtyX2 479, dirtyY2  2
> The arguments look good for NTSC, so, I'm guessing the the OSD bitmap
> algorithm needs to change for NTSC.

I doubt that this would have to be changed for NTSC.

I traced this problem today with the latest CVS driver version
and it looks like there's a problem in the latest firmware (Dpram+Root).
The OSD that is displayed when switching channels is not very big, so
I would assume that it can't be the usual memory problem (besides, if there
was too little memory for the OSD in the past, the OSD simply wasn't
displayed, but did not cause the whole thing to hang).


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