On Monday, 13. August 2001 20:40, Matthias Weingart wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 07:35:00PM +0200, Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED](Stefan Huelswitt)  12.08.01 23:45
> >
> > I think of speeds in the range between 1.1 to 1.9 resp. 0.6 to 0.9.
> > Not such a beast like 3.14515 or 0.234 ;-)
> >
> > "Slightly slower" or "slightly faster".
> >
> >
> > If you are watching TV to become informed about something
> > it may save a lot time if that informational film tooks
> > only 30min and not 45min (because one exected more infos but
> > the info was crap)
> > And: One can hear faster than (most) others can speak ;-)
> > (It's really no joke)
> Hi Mr. Data :-) this task would not be easy, because the audio stream have
> to be decoded (MPEG->Wave), maybe transformed (to get the same pitch at
> slower/higher speed) and to be encoded to MPEG again - and all in sync with
> video.

You can try that using the MBrola text to speach system (it allows you to 
adjust speed keeping pitch) - once i testet it with 50..150% - it's really 
getting hard then, think i will have to adjust my positronic subprocessors 

But i remember of a video recorder which does that trick up to 9times speed by
simply using small audio fragments - it worked even backwards: the sound was 
played forward... is'nt that the way to go ? much simpler...

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