On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 10:42:19AM +0100, Ingvar Nedrebo wrote:
> I'm in the planning stages of putting together a Linux box to
> use for VDR, amongst other things (database, web). Having
> spent my previous life working with Sun/Solaris, I'm a bit
> unfamiliar with PC hardware and components, and wondered if
> anybody could give some advice on how powerful my hardware
> needs to be? Advice on motherboard, do I need a 1GHz Athlon
> or will a 700MHz Duron do, PC100 vs PC133, that sort of
> thing. Is it better to get an AGP graphics card with MPEG2
> decoder and TV out, to take some load off the PCI bus
> when you're recording from several sources and watching
> a previous recording?
> Probably the answer is "get the fastest hardware you can
> afford", but I would appreciate any insights you have to
> share.

Hey well, take a old PentiumBoard (200), a DVB's card, a big harddisc, maybe
a DVD drive, some memory and you are able to run vdr :-) You do not need a
VGA-Adapter at all for VDR. This old board also has the advantage to be more
silent as today's PC's. The other things database and server should also
work with this hardware (I remember that I had a 486-33 with 4MB RAM running
with various servers mail, news, apache, squid, pop - well no X and no DVB
but this was with kernel 1.1 :-)
To use it for Web-surfing you need a graphics card and a monitor, but a old
one with 65000 colors should work fast enough. (Surfing with
TV-Out-Resolutions of 640x480 or blurred 800x600 is ugly :-(


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