
Gerhard Andreas (RtW1/WIR1) wrote:

>Hello Ulrich,
>>The DVB driver do not compile very well under linux - I think with BSD
>>is no way to work ...
>the FreeBSD Linux-binary-compatibility should help here, or not? Compile in
>Linux, run in FreeBSD.
Have you ever tried 'insmod' on BSD  ;-)
Of course, vdr would work, but my question was rather 'bout the drivers 
than vdr ....

>>But why do you want this working with BSD ? Normaly you (have to) use an 
>>extra box for viewing. Which OS is running on that box does not matter at
Btw, I DO have an extra box for viewing, my BSD-box is responsible for 
some other services like mail, proxy, http ....
But there still is a free PCI slot in it .... ;-)

>Hmm, maybe working with one OS less helps keeping all the various issues
>sorted? ;-)
>Also running FreeBSD avoids problems turning up with the compatibility of
>the various Linux-distros. There is only *one* FreeBSD at a time.
Kind Regards, Gerhard

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