
(I hope this time web.de will transmit this msg only once! Sorry ...)
> The only difference is, that I send a diseqc command for (Diseqc == 0), Klaus
> does not.

Klaus always sends a diseqc-msg too?!? I'll have another look at his code.

>  > BTW: I noticed that channel-switching within the same transponder results often
>  >  in no-video-appearing, sound is ok, but no video av., I don't know if this
>  >  is a DTV-bug so I'm going to update the dvb-driver first....
>  >
> That have been exactly the kind of problems I noticed, when testing the new 
> tuning API for the first time. These problems did disappear as soon as I changed 
> the Diseqc-code as mentioned...

Ok, changing the dvb-driver didn't change anything for me, but as a first
short test I tried some delay in the tuning code and *wonder* the problem
dissappeared.  Ok, here my minimal solution:

a delay of 100ms after setting the apid and before setting the vpid in
the function 'setDvbChannel' (file: dvb_front.c).
I am still wondering if anybody out there has got this problem too???
Could anybody confirm this????

For the stats, my system spec:
Celeron 400 on BX-Board
Rev 1.3 card
Diseqc with Astra/Eutselsat reception

bye, reiner

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