Hi list,
I'm using API 3.0  to develop a Ts-reader with this pes filter:

struct dmx_pes_filter_params flt;
if((ioctl(fd_demuxv, DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE, TS_BUF_SIZE))<0){
                perror("DMX_SET_BUFFER_SIZE failed:");
                return -1;
        memset(&flt,0,sizeof(struct dmx_pes_filter_params));
        flt.pid = pid;
        flt.input   = DMX_IN_FRONTEND;
        flt.output  = DMX_OUT_TS_TAP;
        flt.pes_type = DMX_PES_OTHER;
        flt.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START;

#define TS_BUF_SIZE 4096

but when I test the sw (after sint. with dvbtune), it work fine only 1 time otherwise stop itself at :

n = read(fd_dvr,buf,sizeof(buf)); uint8_t buf[188];

and my terminal doesn't show anything (no error, no message, nothing) so I don't know where it the problem!!!

Note: after insmod or reboot my sw go well; at the second chance stop! Why?Thanks

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