
I'm trying to use 'scan' to generate a channels.conf file for my local digital terrestrial transmitter, for use with VDR.

I give it an initial config file with details of a mux which it correctly tunes into and grabs the details. It also gets details of frequencies of other mux's, some of which are broadcast from this transmitter some of which aren't. It tries each one in turn until it finds one it can receive and gets the details of other frequencies.

The problem is the second mux seems to include itself in the list of muxes that can be tuned into, and its the first one on the list that can be tuned into so I end up in a loop forever where it retunes into itself and grabs a list of frequencies and the retunes into itself etc. When I kill the program the channels.conf file has the last mux's details in many times.

I was wondering what I'm doing wrong?



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