> What 2.6 kernel did you use?

2.6.0-test11  (note, I didn't test with a 2.4.x kernel)
It's not clear to me whether devfs works at all in 2.6.  Here's a snippet
from the kernel config help:

  /dev file system support (OBSOLETE) (DEVFS_FS)

  Note that devfs has been obsoleted by udev,
 It has been stripped down to a bare minimum and is only provided for
 legacy installations that use its naming scheme which is
 unfortunately different from the names normal Linux installations

Does dvb-kernel make use of udev instead of devfs?
I didn't compile my kernel with CONFIG_HOTPLUG.  

Couple of other things.  I experienced some frontend failures (no such device)
when I tried to load dst.ko in the middle of loading the other modules.   If I 
loaded dst.ko as the last module, I got better results.

Also, I dont think dvbstream and dvbtune (and likely other apps) do correct
frequency calculations for north america.   What worked reliably for
me was to specify the l-band frequency.   Here's the calculations:

band :  l-band freq
DSS  :  freq-11250
Ku   :  freq-10750
C    :  5150-freq

In dvbstream:dvb_defaults.h, I saw this:
// With a diseqc system you may need different values per LNB.  I hope
// no-one ever asks for that :-)
#define SLOF (11700*1000UL)
#define LOF1 (9750*1000UL)
#define LOF2 (10600*1000UL)

maybee these are European standards?

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