Niklas Peinecke wrote:
Hello all,

I keep reading on several lists and forums that there should be a 1.0.2 release including latest drivers for newer skystar2 cards and all the other improvements and bugfixes. Instead of backporting the whole stuff from dvb-kernel we should derive this release directly from dvb-kernel. But how? IMHO we have two options:

1) Leave the structure of DVB as is and copy all the program files from dvb-kernel. Don't know, if this would work, probably fails because of added files?

2) Take the structure from dvb-kernel and modify the top-level Makefile to take "build-2.4" as its default target.

I'd vote for (2) and would suggest to provide an additional dvb-apps package. I'd call the release 1.1.

Would you like to write the toplevel Makefile and also add a DVB/-alike 'make release' target?


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