Hi all,

Newbie Question(s) - looking for tips and pointers.

I am trying to figure out a way to receive data via DVB-s and route it onto a local LAN network. The card used should be cheap and this is all to be done in North America (US).

As for the application of this. The producer of data will be a VideoLan server sending mpeg4 video as UDP stream (or a custom app that generates UDP data). The consumer of the data is either to be a media player type thing aka videolan client (or a custom application that captures the UDP packets and does stuff with it). The whole thing will run at T1 speeds of about 1.5Mbps.

Now the sat-providers tell me I need to get Sat-Routers for $2.5K that will receive their feed beeing pumped into the uplink-center via T1 from the producer. That sounds expensive, too complicated and adds one more box to the 2PC reception setup that can break.

As far as I can tell, data reception can be done fairly easily with the the linux dvb drivers, a consumer dvb-s card and software tools (dbvnet).

But is this possible in N.A.?
Any suggestions on quality cards (I have a VP1030 and find the reception to be poor at times)?
What would I need to ask the sat-provider to do with my data feed as far as encoding, encapsulation, muxing, PIDs etc goes?
Might data errors be an issue or can I assume my UDP packes are intact?
Has anyone done something like this gefore in N.A. and can point me to sat-providers and available hardware/software sources?
Does anyone know of any data feeds on Nimiq1/2 (BEV) that could be used for testing?
Is is possible to do the uplink right at the producers location using a transmission system?

Thanks for any feedback.

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