I'm trying to compile the 1.1.1 drivers against a 2.6.1 kernel, becuase
I'm getting the following error when compiling VDR (which I assume is
because of old drivers)

#error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 3!

I can compile the kernel with the built-in dvb drivers just fine, but when
I use makelinks to link the newer drivers to the kernel and then compile,
I get:

CHK     include/linux/compile.h
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `drivers/media/common/ir-common.c',
needed by `drivers/media/common/ir-common.o'.  Stop.
make[2]: *** [drivers/media/common] Error 2
make[1]: *** [drivers/media] Error 2
make: *** [drivers] Error 2

I think this is because I need to reconfigure my kernel, but I don't know
which options in menuconfig I need to change. Any ideas?



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