G'day all,
This is not strictly related to dvb I guess, more of a bttv issue.

In windows, when I insert my twinhan card and load standard bttv drivers it does not work, but it also does not hard lock the machine.
In linux, if I forget to tell bttv the card type, it hard locks. I'd love to see this behaviour change as it's a major usability issue. Now I realise the card is a pile of steaming excrement, but it's also cheap and unfortunately becoming quite widespread, plus when it does work, it does its job quite well.

This has just arisen again as I went to play with knoppix 3.3 which now probes for bttv cards on boot and because of this hardlocks the machine. I have not found a way to tell it not to probe for bttv.


I'm willing to invest some more time in hardlocking the machine debugging this, but I feel it is going to require some changes in the bttv driver which I'm concerned will impact other cards.


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