I seem to remember a message here about firmware locations. At one point
there were 3 different locations in the codebase, and I think got
rationalised down to one: /etc/hotplug

Try copying your sc_main.mc into /etc/hotplug. dmesg should show a line
from sp887 saying that it got the firmware.

My box is down right now, so I can't check. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Locke wrote:

ok, i loaded the mt352 module but i only get an error message.
here the dmesg output:

i2c_adapter i2c-4: sendbytes: error - bailout.
mt352_read_register: readreg error (ret == -14)

no success in getting the dvb card to work, because of my patch of dvb-bt8xx, the card is recognized and the devices demux0

are created by devfs. but they don't seem to work, cat dvr0 doesn't give any output, maybe because of the missing frontend.
maybe someone can help me.


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