Hi Kenneth,

Kenneth Aafløy wrote:
On Friday 23 July 2004 20:06, you wrote:

that probably depends on the general plans regarding the current CVS
tree and the schedule for the v4 API.

If v4 is to be pushed to the public soonish then any work in the old
tree despite bugfixes and minor cosmetic changes is probably not worth
the efforts.

any opinions? Johannes, what's the current state of the v4 tree? Is it
ready for a call to the public to port all remaining drivers and to
clean the internal infrastructure?

You are changing the subject again. When you started to post oppinions on this, I really thought you had something you wanted to contribute. But really, your only goal was to hinder the work in progress. Let me know when you have some patches implementing the framework you are suggesting.

As soon as the linuxtv.org site is up again, I'll start working on merging changes that makes the current CVS not broken again.

Have a nice weekend,

no, please don't get me wrong -- I did not wanted to upset you in any case, neither wanted I defame your work. You asked for opinions, so you got mine, too.

The Linux-DVB code is free software, everybody is free to develop it, contribute, fork, change or modify the code as he wants. If I say I see no sense in moving to the kernel-i2c core from the technical point then that's my personal and subjective opinion grown out of past experiences, nothing more and nothing less.

Maybe a small historical review of the driver development makes my point clearer and makes you understand why I think that everybody should rather spend his time in something useful than in "just moving code around from one old API to the other even older one".

The first DVB driver version (let's call it v1 from now on) was developed by Christian Theiss and worked for the old Siemens DVB-C and DVB-S cards based on the av7110 and the ves1820/stv0299. In the beginning it was implemented in just a single file called "dvb.c" containing several thousand lines of code. and a firmware blob.

The next version (let's call this v2) has been worked out for Convergence by the Metzler brothers together with Christian Theiss. In this time Nokia paid Convergence Nokia for implementing the first DVB API under Linux. The code became cleaner, used public, mostly defined APIs (internally and externally) support for the now available Technotrend cards which had been derived from the Siemens design has been added. This was the 0.9.x tree of public releases.

After several drivers had been added it became clear that a cleaner and more well-defined internal structure would be needed. We created the NEWSTRUCT branch in the CVS tree and develped there the current API version (v3). This work was done by the Ralph and Marcus, Johannes, André and me in those days. The design requirements targeted to the available hardware: Siemens-alike fullfeatured cards with MPEG-decoder, decoderless Nova-style cards and fixed-function MPEG/DVB STBs with one or more MPEG decoders and frontends onchip/onboard.

As soon this was done (it took a pretty long while, most of you will remember the time between the 0.9.4 and the 1.0.0 release where almost all users worked on the CVS trees - ) we felt ready for both a public release and merging the DVB infrastructure code into the kernel.

The following 1.x.x releases added new hardware drivers and fixed bugs, but both the internal and external APIs remained stable and backwards-compatible. We can be pretty proud of the fact that so few bugfix-releases had been necessairy, thanks to all the testers which patiently used CVS snapshots for a long time. In those days Michael took over kernel driver maintenance.

In discussions with STB chipset vendors and while working with the v3 code in production environment several improvements have beed suggested which led to the v4 API proposals which try to make use of all features today's STB chipsets provide. It is thus in particular useful for STBs but can as well get used on PC-alike hardware (especially for STB and MHP developers who want to develop on their workstations instead of the target platform for faster turnaround cycles).

The v4 API definition is now in discussion for a pretty long time again, became more and more robust and is likely to get released soonish -- it will replace v3 then, a new major v3 release is unlikely.

So what will come thenafter, will v4 make sense for average consumers at all? Yes -- definitely, it's just the next step in development. What will come next? v5? sure. But how will it look like?

hmmm... ok -- let's remember the v3 experiences and then review the latest-generation hardware.

First of all v3 fits the average user's requirements pretty well. There are some serious maintenance problems that showed up in the past. Most important is probably the sensible frontend code. Most drivers care about multiple differently wired hardware which turned out to become a mess because minor changes and optimizations for one target easily broke the driver for another hardware (which again was rarely available for the developer -- there are just too many different flavours of DVB cards and STBs out there... not to talk about closed-source development which at the end financed a lot of the publicly release code and shared by dual-licensing some portions of the public frontend drivers).

So one big wish is to seperate drivers for seperate hardware.

The next issue is that many modern chipsets require firmware uploads to different parts of the hardware. There is no clean way to do this perfectly, the early (questionable from the p.c. point of view) dirty hacks worked very well - the later code loaded the firmware blobs at runtime which caused some troubles for the end user, browse the mailing list archives of the last 6 months, in some weeks roughly 25% of the traffic was related to this issue. So this may need some more thoughts.

Then most users don't know (and don't even want to know) what demod or tuner is soldered on their board. Autoprobing is hard to impossible. A merged per-board driver would solve this nicely, the USB/PCI/1394 bridge device/vendor/version ID now identifies the the frontend, too. Users struggling with not-loaded/loaded-the-wrong frontend driver made probably the 2nd most significand group of pseudo-bugreports on this list.

anything more? hmmm, don't know.

Ok... then let's review today's bleeding edge hardware. Fullfeatured cards are dying out. Microsfot does not even supports them in their BDA infrastructure for DVB cards.

High-end STB processors don't have fixed-function MPEG processors anymore. The users want to decode HDTV, MPEG4, DivX, some providers ask for proprietary formats like RealVideo and the Microsoft codecs. DVB-H for mobile devices does not specifies MPEG as codec at all. Implementing something flexible as this is only possible using DSPs or general-purpose processors.

The only real DVB-specific thing left in these environments is one or more FIFOs with a serial or parallel stream interface to the outside (sometimes MPEG-only, sometimes shared with a CCIR656 camera interface) and a DMA-interface to the host. I know at least 3 processors realizing this setup available today (though they're not yet as cheap as fixed-function chipsets, the development is comparable to graphics processors, programmable hardware comes slowly but it comes - ).

This setup is pretty similiar to the one of today's Nova-, Budget-, Skystar- and USB- adapters. So what API do we need to suit them well?

Basically a DVB device is now becoming nothing more than the (often hotplugged or switched with the camera-I/F) frontend and a FIFO which we want to mmap() in memory to synchronize DMA transfers.

So most probably v5 will look like this: the userspace frontend API looks similiar to the one we have today in v3 and v4. Minor changes will follow the available hardware capabilities. In Opposition to Microsoft we support any number of DVB devices and DiSEqC2.x from the first day on (we do it already - ;).

The new thing is that the user can call mmap() on the frontend file descriptor and will get the raw transport stream like from today's dvr devices.

We don't have any software fallback code in the kernel anymore, this one was considered as dangerous and prone to bugs some times. Maybe we will provide an ioctl for simple PID filtering (this is supported by some demods and can as well get implemented in DMA state engines for some hardware but is not mandatory, it will only get used as hint to safe bus bandwidth).

The entire device handling, dmxdev/dvrdev, networking, and i2c code in dvb-core can vanish completely.

DVB-Networking code is implemented as userspace deamon which feeds a network-loopback device.

A dvb driver can export it's i2c bus to the kernel (if it has one to do so and the driver developer feels bored:) but it does not needs to. Drivers for cards with onboard-uCs can talk the highlevel-protocol to their demod devices directly. The end-user does not needs to know which demod chip is soldered on his board, he does not needs to know whether it's an old i2c-controlled metal-can, an old 3-wire-bus controlled PLL or a brand-new SPI-controlled silicon tuner. If i2c demod drivers are using the kernel i2c API they are only allowed to attach to the bridge with their parent card's vendor/device ID.

OSDs and video graphics are rendered using commonly available APIs like DirectFB, OpenGL or OpenGL-ES.

Section-filtering, MPEG2/4/DivX/whatever decoding and rendering is implemented in userspace either using a library like ffmpeg or the (usually) binary-only firmwares and libraries provided by the chipset vendors.

Now a v5 driver looks basically like a cleaned and stripped-down frontend driver (it is written for exactly one flavor of a particular hardware), the dvb-core only provides some helper functions that simplify the mmap() and device registration implementation (i'm not sure if this is needed at all, maybe the device.h API is enough - ). That's all.

Ermm.... and what did I wanted to say? v4 is already knocking on the doors, v5 is pretty close to v3 and thus not far away (for those who are interested: we developed a userspace-only driver using the libusb following roughly these ideas for a DVB-T device in roughly 400 lines of code, a kernel driver won't take much more efforts. We'll probably release this code this autumn).

Everyone is free to work on the old code as he likes, but it's a pity about every effort that does not fixes bugs, does not introduces support for not-yet supported hardware but only new instabilities and troubles to the end-users. The time could better get spent into finalizing the v4 implementation and/or thinking about v5.

So do whatever you want - it's free software and you're a free man. But please don't complain thenafter that you have not been warned: your work might be of little duration...


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