Manu Abraham wrote:

Zoilo Gomez wrote:
Manu Abraham wrote:

Zoilo Gomez wrote:

0 5 0 20 136 75 0 20
dst_ca_ioctl:  -->CA_GET_SLOT_INFO Success !
dst_ca_ioctl:  Sending message
ca_send_message:  ca_send_message:  Command=[0x9f8020]

ca_send_message:  Getting Cam Application information
put_checksum:  Computing string checksum.
put_checksum:   -> string length : 0x07
put_checksum:   -> checksum      : 0xb7
dst_put_ci:  Put Command
dst(1) dst_comm_init: Initializing DST.
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0001], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) rdc_reset_state: Resetting state machine
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0002]
writing [ 07 40 01 00 01 00 00 b7 ]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0000], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0xff
dst(1) dst_wait_dst_ready: dst wait ready after 1
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0xd
0x40 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x6 0x0 0x0 0x3 0x1 0x0 0x41 0x0 0x67 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff
ca_get_app_info:  -->dst_put_ci SUCCESS !
ca_get_app_info:  ================================ CI Module
Application Info ======================================
ca_get_app_info:  Application Type=[0], Application Vendor=[769],
Vendor Code=[65]
ca_get_app_info: Application info=[]

It looks like the CAM no longer responds. Which CAM are you using ? The
CAM did not like some commands send to it, probably ?

I am using a Nagravision CAM.

I don't see Nagravision in the list of supported modules. It does work  ?
Maybe the card firmware is more updated. The list what i have is a bit
older. The list what i have goes like this
Were you able to decrypt anything at all, with this CAM/card combination ?

Sure, it works great, provided that I "tune twice".

For example:
=> vlc -v dvb: --dvb-frequency=306750000 <....> (nothing happens)
=> now hit Ctrl-C
=> vlc -v dvb: --dvb-frequency=306750000 <....> (picture!).

Crypto Works    1.0     OK                      
Cryptoworks     12011   N/A(无此CAM)                      
Magic   1.1     OK      76.5    NG      
Dragon I & II       2.05, 2.06      N/A(无此CAM)                      
PentaCrypt      1.05    OK                      
Irdeto  2.09    OK      110.5   OK      
Irdeto  1.06    N/A(无此CAM)                      
Free CAM2-018   未知      OK                      
AstonCrypt      1.03    OK                      
Viaccess        1.0 V481        OK      76.5    OK      
Viaccess        1.0 V483        OK      76.5    OK      
AlphaCrypt      1.0     OK                      
Aston I 1.05    OK                      
AstonII 未知      NG                      
SECA I & II 1.05    N/A(无此CAM)                      
Nagravision     未知      OK                      

Here it says Nagravision in your list !?

Free-X-TV       2.26    OK      95      OK      
Free-X-TV       2.0     N/A(无此CAM)                      
Module  0.78    OK                      
Zeta Cam        未知      OK      76.5/95 OK      
Conax   4.00e   OK                      
Conax   4.0     N/A(无此CAM)                      
BetaCrypt       1.0     N/A(无此CAM)                      

ca_send_message:  -->CA_APP_INFO_ENQUIRY Success !
dst(1) dst_comm_init: Initializing DST.
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0001], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) rdc_reset_state: Resetting state machine
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0000]
dst_ca_ioctl:  Getting message
ca_get_message:  Message = [9f 80 21]
ca_get_message:  Command=[0x9f8021]
dst_ca_ioctl:  -->CA_GET_MSG Success !
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0002]
writing [ 09 00 04 ae 3e 00 1a f4 40 b9 ]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0000], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0xff
dst(1) dst_wait_dst_ready: dst wait ready after 42
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0x9
0x0 0x4 0xae 0x3e 0x0 0x1a 0xf4 0x40 0xb9
dst(1) dst_comm_init: Initializing DST.
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0001], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) rdc_reset_state: Resetting state machine
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0002]
writing [ 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 fb ]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0000], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0xff
dst(1) dst_wait_dst_ready: dst wait ready after 1
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0x0
0x5 0x0 0x0 0x88 0x2 0x0 0x71

At this point things stop ...

When I tune again to the same very channel (successfully), dmesg output
does not stop at this point, but continues as follows:

dst_ca_ioctl:  Sending message
ca_send_message:  ca_send_message:  Command=[0x9f8032]

ca_send_message: Command = SEND_CA_PMT
asn_1_decode:  Length field=[21]
asn_1_decode:  Length=[21]

ca_set_pmt:  CA Message length=[33]
String=[ 03 2f 6e 01 00 07 01 09 04 18 01 e0 23 02 08 fd 00 00 04 09
08 00 00 06 09 c5 00 00 06 09 05 00 00 ]
put_checksum:  Computing string checksum.
put_checksum:   -> string length : 0x28
put_checksum:   -> checksum      : 0x9b
String=[ 28 40 03 00 03 21 00 03 2f 6e 01 00 07 01 09 04 18 01 e0 23
02 08 fd 00 00 04 09 08 00 00 06 09 c5 00 00 06 09 05 00 00 9b ]
dst_put_ci:  Put Command
dst(1) dst_comm_init: Initializing DST.
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0001], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) rdc_reset_state: Resetting state machine
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[0002], enbb=[0002], outhigh=[0002]
writing [ 28 40 03 00 03 21 00 03 2f 6e 01 00 07 01 09 04 18 01 e0 23
02 08 fd 00 00 04 09 08 00 00 06 09 c5 00 00 06 09 05 00 00 9b ]
dst(1) dst_gpio_outb: mask=[ffffffff], enbb=[0000], outhigh=[0000]
dst(1) read_dst: reply is 0xff
write_to_8820:  DST-CI Command success.
ca_send_message:  -->CA_PMT Success !

So I think that there is a CA problem.

Any idea why the dst_ca_ioctl call does not occur?

Which application are you using ? The dst_ca ioctl is called "ony for CA

I am using vlc.

Sigmund, any thoughts/comments ?


Thank you and best regards,


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