On 11/15/06, Mark Howells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Markus Rechberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 November 2006 10:37
> To: Mark Howells
> Cc: Stefan Schweizer; linux-dvb@linuxtv.org
> Subject: Re: [linux-dvb] RE: Freecom - recv bulk message failed: -110
> > > Do
> > > you think it has something to do with the kernel version? I built
> > > dvb drivers independently from the hg repository.
> >
> > In truth I don't really know. I too built the hg drivers
> but the error
> > messages you are seeing are related to the USB drivers, not the DVB
> > drivers, so hg or not made no difference to me.
> >
> USB doesn't do any bulk read requests just for fun.. it gets
> triggered by the DVB drivers..

Agreed. Badly worded post on my part. I meant to imply that using the hg
sources on different kernels gave USB errors on one, not the other and
therefore that the difference was likely in the USB drivers...

hmm could you turn on debug for that module and reproduce it? Maybe
we'll see what request causes that problem.
I remember I had that problem too once with a DVB card of a coworker
(I don't have that device anymore).. for any reason the whole machine
got locked for 1-2 seconds too.


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