Zitat von timecop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> DSM-CC is used a lot in ISDB-T / ISDB-S for data broadcasting and
> firmware download.
> Have a poke around http://www.dibeg.org/aribstd/ARIBSTD.htm
> One of B-xx standards should cover DSM-CC related stuff. I know it
> does because I wrote a parser for DDI and DDB messages a few months
> ago. By the way, the stuff follows standard section table format.
> -t

Theres some info about transmitting data with DSM-CC stuff in B24 Vol3, but
still not what i was looking for. It only covers The object and data carousel,
and a method called event message which seems to be equivalent to the DVB
specified "do it now stream events".

But i found something in the ATSC specifications. According to this the
synchronized download protocol is used for non-flow-controled transmission of
data in DDB messages via DSM-CC sections. Synchronisation is done by inserting
PTS-references in the adaptation header.
Just in case anyone cares :-)

But again i found nothing about DVB having adopted this method.



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