En/na P. van Gaans ha escrit:

So the bug is: you can't scan for channels with the stick. Well, hardly ever. On some specific frequency I do get results with the Afatech while scanning, but that's just one frequency filled with mostly (worthless) encrypted channels. With the MSI this is no problem, and if I use the channellist from the MSI on the Afatech it also works as expected. Only scanning with the Afatech itself somehow won't work properly.

My Kaffeine version btw is 0.7.1 (will upgrade soon, Ubuntu 6.06), but I feel it shouldn't really matter that much, but to be complete.

Maybe (just maybe) the afatech is slower/too slow to lock on a channel so kaffeine will time-out? Did you try with plain old "scan" and/or raising the timeut (if possible)? I don't remember how I got my channel list, but I think I primed it with scan then vdr did the rest.


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