On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 11:57:10PM -0400, CityK wrote:
> Someone also previously mentioned the idea of coming up with a standard
> article template.  I had initially thought that might be something for
> down the road, but on second thought, developing something like this now
> for, say the device articles, might be a really good project.  For
> example, what would be a good order to present information about the
> devices components, firmware, quirks, etc etc .... and then start
> applying this framework to all the device articles.

This might be biting off a bit more than you care to at this time, but
how about a device database? That will ensure the information is well
structured.  Of course the database needs to have some flexibility,
for example it should be possible for device users to add comments
to the device's entry.


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