Le mercredi 06 juin 2007 05:28, Simon Baxter a écrit :
> I'm trying to get a picture out of my budget TT-C1500 card/ci/cam and
> having little success (but am making progress!).  My cable provider
> encrypts everything - so it has to run through the CAM.
> the dvb-apps 'dvbstream' gives me the following:

Since dvbstream does not manage cams, you can't expect to get a decrypted 
stream with it :)
In order to get a decrypted stream, the cam has to be informed which service 
to decrypt. This is done by apps with cicam support.
Give kaffeine a try, it handles that automatically (jut make sure your 
channels are marked "crypted", sometimes the fta flag is not set correctly in 
SI tables).

> /usr/src/development/dvbstream-0.5/dvbstream -s XXXX -f 618000 -qam 64
> -analyse 5011 5012 501
> dvbstream v0.5 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
> Released under the GPL.
> Latest version available from http://www.linuxstb.org/
> Using DVB card "ST STV0297 DVB-C"
> tuning DVB-C to 618000000, srate=XXXX000
> polling....
> Getting frontend event
> polling....
> Getting frontend event
> Event:  Frequency: 628600000
>         SymbolRate: XXXX000
>         FEC_inner:  0
> Bit error rate: 0
> Signal strength: 546
> SNR: 1433
> Setting filter for PID 5011
> Setting filter for PID 5012
> Setting filter for PID 501
> Analysing PIDS
> Caught signal 2 - closing cleanly.
> 5011,1.347 Mbit/sdvbsnoop -if ONE.ts 5011
> 5012,116 kbit/s
> So I captured a file with "dvbstream 5011 5012 -o:ONE.ts"
> Then analysed it with "dvbsnoop -if ONE.ts 5011"
> and get the below.  What should I be looking for????
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> SECT-Packet: 00000001   PID: 5011 (0x1393), Length: 918 (0x0396)
> from file: ONE.ts
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   0000:  47 13 93 96 ae 03 54 58  50 2f fc d5 ed b2 37 69  
> G.....TXP/....7i 0010:  f8 5b 05 bf e2 cb 52 51  51 96 82 cf 20 f1 81 98  
> .[....RQQ... ... <snip>
> PID:  5011 (0x1393)
> Guess table from table id...
> Unknown, reserved or not (yet) implemented - TableID: 71 (0x47)
> --> reserved
>   0000:  47 13 93 96 ae 03 54 58  50 2f fc d5 ed b2 37 69  
> G.....TXP/....7i 0010:  f8 5b 05 bf e2 cb 52 51  51 96 82 cf 20 f1 81 98  
> .[....RQQ... ... <snip>
> PID:  5011 (0x1393)
> Guess table from table id...
> User_Defined-decoding....
> Table_ID: 202 (0xca)  [= ATSC reserved]
> Section_syntax_indicator: 0 (0x00)
> private_indicator: 1 (0x01)
> reserved: 3 (0x03)
> private_section_length: 2778 (0x0ada)
> Private Data:
>       0000:  e9 87 f6 55 37 11 bf a2  31 f2 d8 75 f0 9e 44 95
> ...U7...1..u..D.
>       0010:  42 1e fe 19 a3 b0 a1 67  bf cc 2e db 0a a4 d3 7d
> B......g.......}
> <snip>
> PID:  5011 (0x1393)
> Guess table from table id...
> EIT-decoding....
> Table_ID: 97 (0x61)  [= Event Information Table (EIT) - other transport
> stream, schedule]
> section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01)
> reserved_1: 1 (0x01)
> reserved_2: 3 (0x03)
> Section_length: 2396 (0x095c)
> Service_ID: 65351 (0xff47)  [=  --> refers to PMT program_number]
> reserved_3: 0 (0x00)
> Version_number: 9 (0x09)
> current_next_indicator: 1 (0x01)  [= valid now]
> Section_number: 147 (0x93)
> Last_Section_number: 153 (0x99)
> Transport_stream_ID: 22870 (0x5956)
> Original_network_ID: 24104 (0x5e28)  [= >>ERROR: not (yet) defined...
> Report!<<]
> Segment_last_Section_number: 22 (0x16)
> Last_table_id: 29 (0x1d)  [= ITU-T Rec. H.222.0|ISO/IEC13818 reserved]
>     Event_ID: 32390 (0x7e86)
>     Start_time: 0xcf8f6d04b2 [= 2004-05-10 6d:04:b2 (UTC)]
>     Duration: 0x09734e1 [=  97:34:e1 (UTC)]
>     Running_status: 6 (0x06)  [= reserved]
>     Free_CA_mode: 1 (0x01)  [= streams [partially] CA controlled]
>     Descriptors_loop_length: 2271 (0x8df)
>             MPEG-DescriptorTag: 44 (0x2c)  [= FlexMuxTiming_descriptor]
>             descriptor_length: 138 (0x8a)
>             FCR_ES_ID: 27398 (0x6b06)
>             FCRResolution: 55461 (0x0000d8a5)  [= (cycles/s)]
>             FCRLength: 70 (0x46)
>             FCRRateLength: 18 (0x12)
>             DVB-DescriptorTag: 119 (0x77)  [=
> time_slice_fec_identifier_descriptor]
>             descriptor_length: 77 (0x4d)
>             time_slicing: 1 (0x01)  [= used]
>             mpe_fec: 3 (0x03)  [= reserved]
>             reserved: 2 (0x02)
> <SNIP>
>             frame_size: 1 (0x01)
>               ==> not defined
>             max_burst_duration: 193 (0xc1) [not defined]
>             max_average_rate: 2 (0x02) [= not defined]
>             time_slice_fec_id: 1 (0x01)
>             id_selector_bytes:
>                  0000:  d7 28 e3 cf 25 b0 7d 69  7a 5f a7 ff ba 6d 10 3a
> .(..%.}iz_...m.:
>                  0010:  0f 92 a3 7a 16 47 13 93  9a 67 71 53 44 52 70 28
> ...z.G...gqSDRp(
>                  0020:  4e 4f d3 21 79 9a 54 bd  2d 29 7d 49 e4 fb b1 49
> NO.!y.T.-)}I...I
>                  0030:  8f a2 4b 24 4e a5 42 29  5b 1e e3 76 de 81 cc fd
> ..K$N.B)[..v....
>                  0040:  a1 25 6a 23 df 3e 25 a6  a1 77
> .%j#.>%..w
>             MPEG-DescriptorTag: 1 (0x01)  [= Reserved]
>             descriptor_length: 225 (0xe1)
>               ----> ERROR: unimplemented descriptor (mpeg context), Report!
>             Descriptor-data:
>                  0000:  f9 42 93 da 6c 1b bf 04  a8 ac b5 84 ee 72 dd b2
> .B..l........r..
>                  0010:  9e 3b b0 f1 27 e7 7d 5a  39 9c 66 85 41 e7 e1 e4
> .;..'.}Z9.f.A...
> <snip>
> Guess table from table id...
> CAMT-decoding....
> Table_ID: 130 (0x82)  [= DVB CA message section (EMM/ECM)]
> section_syntax_indicator: 1 (0x01)
> reserved_1: 1 (0x01)
> reserved_2: 3 (0x03)
> Section_length: 3301 (0x0ce5)
> CA_message_section_data:
>       0000:  5c e2 2b ef 06 66 95 9b  0d 06 36 f2 52 0a bb 08
> \.+..f....6.R...
>       0010:  a7 01 25 99 c0 f5 84 80  87 38 de 27 ca f5 d5 8b
> ..%......8.'....
>       0020:  4a dd 39 1f d1 a0 43 b2  5e 1a 0f 43 c8 3a eb d8
> J.9...C.^..C.:..
> <snip>
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Christophe Thommeret

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