Nicolas Will wrote:
> what version of the page are you looking at ?
I had jotted a few notes down the other day and just got a chance to
address these questions...I only glanced at the page today

> On Fri, 2007-08-03 at 08:57 -0400, CityK wrote:
>> 1) Firmware listed looks to be the old (buggy) one ... can someone
>> correct please
> this has been corrected yesterday ... 


>> 2) What is the "Bristol" reference ? .
> this is apparently the code name to the engineering design. It is all
> over the driver's code.
> It could probably be safely dropped from the wiki page, it must only
> concern the coders.

No -- its an interesting tidbit and the wiki pages are for all (end
users ans coders alike).  My only concern was whether that bit was
relevant to the device or not.  As it is, it can certainly stay.

>> 3) Does this card support the "diversity" feature ...
> No.
> The PCI card that supports the diversity feature is NOT supported, and
> this has a full section dedicated to it.

Now that was a bit of a bonehead on my part given that I set up that
section (based on the info you and others have provided).

>>  how about other
>> devices like
>> -
>> -
>> IIRC, Patrick mention something about the diversity feature not set in
>> the Linux driver yet, but that the dual mode works. But to which
>> devices
>> does this apply. 
> I'll let others answer that. I'm selfishly focusing on the T-500. 

No problem.  I'm not familiar with the devices ... [nor do I really want
to become more familiar with them given the closest DVB-T transmission
to me is likely some four and a half thousand KM away :D ] ... hence,
I'm hoping to prompt those who ARE familiar (and know to which devices
Patrick was referring) can add the appropriate info.

Cheers (and thanks for the good work in the wiki)

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