On 9/22/07, David Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Soeren,
> I'm just working out how I can free up my single epia pci slot (currently
> running my sata card) so I can persue the pci dvb solution...  Is there
> anything recommended with solid support? (as I mistakenly thought nova-t in
> all its incarnations worked so don't want to make the same mistake twice!)
> I've been messing about with my freecom and nova-t usb sticks for so long
> now
> that I can't wait to stop tinkering (which is something I thought I'd never
> say! :) )

If you're looking for a stable hardware usb solution I can say that
solutions from Empiatech just work fine in most cases :-)
(the exceptions will be cleared up within the next few months)



(just avoid to buy the devices which are in question there, although
_all_ empia devices will experience a great improvement in future)
Beside just writing about that. Empia has customers who are interested
in Linux support and Empia itself is interested in getting those
customers satisfied.


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