Michael Hunold wrote:
> Hello all,
> before taking part of this discussion, please make sure to have read the
> v4 wiki page:
> http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_DVB_API_Version_4
> In particular, please read the most recent Linux DVB API v4 documentation:
> http://linuxtv.org/downloads/linux-dvb-api-v4/linux-dvb-api-v4-0-3.pdf
> Please pay attention especially to chapter 1 "Introduction" and to the
> development history.

Hi Michael,

Manu and I had brief dialogue, not so long ago, that I've been meaning
to bring to light, and your post presents the perfect opportunity ... my
apologies for not getting back to it sooner.  Anyway, here goes:

In regards to the development history outlined within CH1 (S1.3) of the
Linux DVB API  V4 documentation, there appears to be a small error of
fact.   You have written that:

" In 1998 the Technotrend GmbH develops the still very popular PC DVB
card with a full-
featured STB processor on it. In 1999 Siemens produces a card based on
the Technotrend

However, Manu recounts, and other things that I have seen written
collaborate with his recollection, that it was Siemens who were the
original FF card designer.  Apparently, although it was the TechnoTrend
produced model that stepped into the spotlight (read: became very
popular), the TT card itself was based upon the Siemens design, and,
hence, it was the Siemens that truly was "the mother of all FF cards".  
If I'm not mistaken SNI (Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG; the
actual Siemens division responsible for the card) continued to produce
their own model through 1999, until at which time SNI was split from its
parent company and parts of which (SNI) were used to form the
Fujitsui-Siemens joint venture.

I also have a couple of questions related to the continuing part of the
same above statement:

"In 1999 Siemens produces a card .... and supports the development of
the first Linux driver as a diploma thesis".

Q1 - Did Siemens financially or otherwise (ie. supplying documentation
or other intellectual knowledge) support/sponsor the development of the
first Linux DVB driver?   Or am I misinterpreting the above ... perhaps
what was meant to be implied by the statement was more simply that:  it
was the Siemens card upon which the first Linux DVB driver was based ?

Q2 - For whom was this driver development the basis of a diploma thesis? 

I don't think it was for Ralph's PhD  ?  As far as Manu could recall,
and find, Ralph had already completed has dissertation and earned his
doctorate (Aug 99) prior to engagement with Convergence (Oct 99). 
Additionally, in the Metzler brothers' Linux DVB API  V3 documentation,
Ch 1 (S1.2), they only write:

"The first API for DVB cards we used at Convergence in late 1999 was an
of the Video4Linux API which was primarily developed for frame grabber
cards. As
such it was not really well suited to be used for DVB cards ...

In early 2000, we were approached by Nokia with a proposal for a new
Linux DVB API. As a commitment to the development of terminals based on open
standards, Nokia and Convergence made it available to all Linux
developers and pub-
lished it on http://www.linuxtv.org/ in September 2000. "

Perhaps the first DVB driver (developed prior to the Linux DVB API V1)
was used by Marcus for some diploma ?

Interesting enough, Holger recorded, in his submission to the wiki's
"DVB API history and future" article (see the original Sept 27, 2004
submission here:
) that the Noika sponsored  Linux DVB API V1 was implemented by the
Metzlers along with Christian Theiss.

By chance, did Christian's surname "Theiss" get confused somewhere along
the way with thesis ?

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