Eduard Huguet wrote:
>>   2. Re: DiB0700 firmware problems (Darren Salt)
>>> because the system hanged very often when I used the TV remote (and when
>> I
>>> say "hanged" I mean "hanged":
>> That'd be remote control as executioner, then... ;-)
>> (Hint: you mean "hung".)
>> [snip]
> LOL. It results obvious that English is not my mother language...
Don't be too upset - plenty of native English people get this one wrong
too - especially since we abandoned that particular barbaric practice
last century, this usage of the word is now becoming archaic.

How other nationalities cope with the ridiculous irregularities of the
English language always amazes me, but not as much as our laziness as a
nation in not bothering even to try to learn other people's. I suspect
that if North America hadn't generally adopted a fork of English the
boot might be on the other foot by now. But their variant(s) contain
plenty of their own traps for the unwary.

Getting a bit OT here...

Richard (MQ)

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