because otherwise the mail is too big and needs moderator approval i
put the previously attached files here:

and cancel the posting of my earlier mail ...

On 10/14/07, Konstantin Dimitrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Q2) when i run "cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 > ~/dvbs.ts" and the card
> is tuned to DVB-S channel with MPEG-2 video then i got playable (with
> mplayer) TS file, but when i do the same for DVB-S2 channel with H.264
> video mplayer plays only the audio and reports:
> TS file format detected.
> VIDEO MPEG2(pid=767) AUDIO MPA(pid=768) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 0
> MPEG: FATAL: EOF while searching for sequence header.
> Video: Cannot read properties.
> so how to dump correct TS file with H.264 video ?
> thank you!
> best wishes,
> konstantin
> On 10/14/07, Konstantin Dimitrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hello Manu,
> >
> > i have Technisat Skystar HD card with STB0899 revision C2L, so early
> > today i got your code from and run some
> > tests.
> >
> > i'm using hacked szap from
> > with the patch from here:
> >
> >
> >
> > and the following shell script:
> >
> > #!/bin/sh
> > i=0
> > j=0
> > while [[ $i -lt $4 ]]
> > do
> > i=$((i + 1))
> > ./szap -t $3 -x $1
> > if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]
> > then
> > echo "fail: $i"
> > j=$((j + 1))
> > fi
> > sleep $2
> > done
> > echo "succ: $((i - j)) | fail: $j"
> >
> > i run all tests on Astra 19.2E satellite with the following channels.conf:
> >
> > Pro7HD:12722:h:0:22000:255:259:10200
> > NRJ:11538:v:0:22000:608:628:6908
> >
> > for every test i do the following steps:
> >
> > 1. trim /var/log/debug, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages
> > 2. modprobe stb6100 verbose=5; modprobe stb0899 verbose=5; modprobe 
> > budget_ci
> > 3. run, e.g. for the DVB-S channel i run " NRJ
> > 5 0 20 > szap.out.nrj", which means: tune to channel NRJ, sleep for 5
> > seconds between two consecutive tune tries, use DVB-S and do 20 tune
> > tries; for DVB-S2 i run " Pro7HD 5 2 20 > szap.out.pro7hd"
> > 4. rmmod budget_ci; rmmod stb0899; rmmod stb6100
> > 5. save /var/log/debug, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages and
> > szap.out.$chan_name
> > 6. go to 1.
> >
> > i repeated the test many times and the results are similar.
> >
> > the attached "nrjhits.tar.gz" contains the logs for one of the DVB-S
> > tests, 16 successful locks out of 20, try 7, 8, 9 and 17 fail to lock,
> > some interesting things that i've noticed during the DVB-S test are:
> > - in 3 out of 5 runs of " NRJ 5 0 20" always exactly try 7,
> > 8, 9 and 17 fails to lock, so seems like same kind of pattern
> > - when run " NRJ 5 0 100", i got around 80 successful locks
> > out of 100, but when run " NRJ 45 0 100", i got around 95
> > successful locks out of 100, so seems that increasing the sleep time
> > between two consecutive tune tries significantly increase the
> > successful lock rate
> >
> > during one of the DVB-S tests with " NRJ 5 0 20" i received
> > the following message "FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST failed: Connection timed
> > out" and that test have only 9 successful locks out of 20, try 2, 3,
> > 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17 and 19 fails to lock, the attached
> > "nrjhits_diseqc.tar.gz" contains the logs from that test, because
> > maybe "FE_DISEQC_SEND_BURST failed: Connection timed out" is somehow
> > connected to the (un)successful lock rate.
> >
> > the attached "pro7hd.tar.gz" contains the logs for one of the DVB-S2
> > tests, 18 successful locks out of 20, try 12 and 14 fail to lock,
> > increasing the sleep time between two consecutive tune tries with
> > DVB-S2 doesn't help and i always have around 90% successful locks.
> >
> > so, to summarize i got about 80% successful lock with DVB-S and 90%
> > successful locks with DVB-S2.
> >
> > i am open to help you with what i can, e.g. running more tests under
> > your instructions, etc.
> >
> > also i have some questions:
> >
> > Q1) here:
> >
> >
> >
> > you are saying that revision C1L of STB0899 is faulty, fails to lock a
> > lot and we shouldn't buy cards with STB0899 revision C1L, but here:
> >
> >
> >
> > you are saying that cards with C1L tune quiet fine and the lock
> > problems are only with revision C2L, so that confuses me a lot, could
> > you please clarify the situation with different revisions of STB0899 ?
> >
> > Q2) when i run "
> >
> >

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