On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 12:28:52AM +0100, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> Besides, one shouldn't have more or less rights to have an own mail
> server depending on the fact that the address is static or dynamic.

Please get real.  While you have all the right to choose to run a mail
server on a dynamic IP address, you cannot force your policy on the
recipients.  Considering that the overwhelming majority of the SMTP
connections from dynamic addresses are originated by spambots, it is
perfectly advisable to refuse mail from such servers, as any sensible
mail administrator knows.

 David Santinoli
 Tieffe Sistemi S.r.l.                      viale Piceno 21, Milano
 www.tieffesistemi.com                         tel. +39 02 45490882

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