bbee wrote:
> Hi Manu,

> Hmm, is there no way to detect at runtime which cards would need the
> fix? Something must have changed on the card itself, even if the pci id
> hasn't.
> Wouldn't like to have to keep making this change in every kernel I
> compile..

I will try to make it a parameter or something like that, for your card, though 
parameter looks ugly, seems like that's the only way out. Lack of testers held 
change back for this card. It would require me to search for the old changes 
again, thought that no one was interested in that change.

>> Regarding the messages, you can just change the module parameter to chose
>> the amount of logs to be verbosed out.
> Yes, I was just wondering why being that verbose is the default.
>> AFAIK, some apps supported this, such as gnutv, VLC, kaffeine, someone
>> had a
>> patch for MythTV as well, but don't know whether it was used with MythTV.
> I remeber reading somewhere on the list archive that a unified interface
> was in the works, is that still gonna happen?

The unified interface is the libs that you find in the dvb-apps, which is used 
gnutv and zap.

> If I could get myth to work reliably, I'd be a happy camper, but it
> seems I'd have to get gnutv to work first. Or doesn't myth use libdvb?
> If libdvb is at fault, that is.

The easiest is to get things working with a command line application to work 
first rather 
than getting mythtv going on

It can be a bug in the HLCI part of the library or a bug in the driver that's 
causing this 
behaviour, of course this requires quite a bit of debugging.

>>> Should I be getting rid of this card and getting something that will
>>> waste
>>> a PCI slot?? Anyone else out there still even using it?
>> If it is a big headache and doesn't do what you want, better to get
>> rid of it.
> I just might, if we can't figure it out.
> Thanks for your help!
> bbee


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