Martin Drab wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Manu Abraham wrote:
>> Martin Drab wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> what is the current state of the Linux driver for SAA7162? Has there been 
>>> any progress so far? Is there somewhere at least something to test or 
>>> build on?
>> Nothing to build yet, the current status was "stalled" due to the driver 
>> freezing 
>> the machine a while back, which required help from NXP and NXP was not ready 
>> for any sort of help due to the DRM involved, as far as i can guess. 
>> (Eventhough
>> some sort of preliminary specs were provided under NDA, which were not 
>> sufficient
>> in any manner)
>> But recently as of some days back, we have had good discussions and proceeded
>> quite a lot further in this aspect. Eventually changes are much expected in 
>> this front, 
>> a while later. stay tuned.. But don't expect anything immediately.
> Right. But I would say that it is rather a good news. :-) At least there 
> is some hope. I know, developing driver for something for which there is 
> only scarce or incomplete documentation is not easy. So it's good to hear, 
> that there actually is something going on. ...Staying tuned. Just let me 
> know when there would be something, I wouldn't say "useable", but at least 
> for some pre-alpha testing or perhaps to try adapting for specific 
> hardware, or anything.

Will keep any updates posted on this list, just keep your eyes open.


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