> johnny strom wrote:
>> Håkon Alstadheim wrote:
>>> Hi all, the Norwegian DVB-T network just reched my area (Trøndelag)
>>> today
> ...snip...
>> A question not related to the scanning but is the DVB-T sound HE-AAC
>> encoded in Norway?
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HE-AAC
>> More info here:
>> http://www.frankps.net/?p=282
> I got this pointer from Hermann Pitton on the video4linux-list
> http://linuxtv.org/pipermail/linux-dvb/2007-October/020851.html
> Which seems to mean you are right. Current software has problems finding
> the audio and video-streams, even if I get a lock on the signal. Any
> hints on how to proceed from here whould be appreciated. I'm running
> gentoo on my media box, so using a cvs or svn build of parts of the
> system should be fairly straight-forward. I'll keep digging and come
> back here with more specific questions when I have the time (like in 4
> years from now :-))

I've recently hit similar problems with the test DTT system here in NZ as
they are using H.264 and AAC audio.

You will need to patch the file scan.c to detect the H.264 and AAC audio
streams as being valid. I'll be submitting patched back to this list later
today that allow that.

Also in order to get mplayer to work you will need to add the PID of the
channels PMT entry to the video pid in channels.conf

EG if the channel has aPID 107 vPid 109 and PMT of 100 it will have
entries like

Name:.... Other Tuning Data....:109+100:107:

This tells mplayer to look at both the vPID and the PMT data from which it
realizes the stream is H.264.


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