------ Original Message ------
Received: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:04:00 AM CET
From: Stefan Assmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: linux-dvb@linuxtv.org
Subject: [linux-dvb] problems with yakumo quickstick dvb-t on arm (maybe hw
pid filtering related)

> Hi all,
> I've been running in some trouble with dvb-t usb receiver on arm
> platform, seems to work ok on x86. Whenever I try to scan for channels
> the system freezes until the usb receiver is physically removed. Then
> everything is back to normal again. I started diggin and the trouble
> seem to be related to the hardware pid filter, when this comes to action
> the described behaviour occurs. Here's some info:

you can try with the patch contained in the message
I had a similar problem on a mips platform and it worked for me and depending
on how your platform handles dma coherence it could fix your problem too.

It refers to a kernel but it can easily be applied to other


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