On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 22:56 +0100, Jonas Anden wrote:
> > > There is not a lot being said about the Nova-T 500 the last week.
> > > DonĀ“t know if that is a good (coders coding) or a bad (nothin
> > > happening)
> > 
> > Or coders busy on other code, or coders who ran out of ideas, or
> coders
> > enjoying life, etc.
> ..or just waiting for the problem to reappear ;( The trouble with the
> second tuner dying is tricky (for me) to isolate.
> As a workaround, enabling full debug (debug=15) on the dvb_usb_dib0700
> module has made my system rock solid. I turned on debugging to try to
> isolate the issue, but with debugging enabled the problem does not
> appear (at least not on my system).
> I haven't really figured out *what* in the debug code is helping yet,
> but I still suspect that this is timing-related and the debug code
> simply slows things down a bit. Enabling debugging will put a whole
> lot
> of "junk" in your system log files, but at least the second tuner wont
> die on you. If you go this path, make sure your log rotation works as
> it
> should -- my weekly rotated logs are up to 130 MB in size ;)

Now stop that logging madness and get back to work!



This is a rather comical situation, though... The debugging tool is
providing a rather unexpected and unwelcomed fix.


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