Oliver Xymoron wrote:
> And I've found and removed the address with the loop. If the problem
> continues, drop me a line.
> By the way, anyone who hasn't might want to investigate procmail. Among
> many other impressive features, it makes it very easy to filter duplicate
> messages. I believe it's standard with Redhat 5 and up..
> --
>  "Love the dolphins," she advised him. "Write by W.A.S.T.E.."

here is what I use....

-- .procmailrc 
MAILDIR=$HOME/mail                    #you'd better make sure it exists
LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmail.log           #recommended

# duplicate ID's
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 $HOME/.msgid.cache

# since this list does not have [listname]
:0 fwh
* ^Sender:.*(-owner|owner-).*\@
* ^Sender:.*(owner-)?(linux-.*|agents|mobility|erlang-.*)(-owner)?\@
* ^Subject:\/.*
| formail -i "Subject:" -a "Subject: [LIST]$MATCH"

-- end

Tim Middelkoop                  O    A straight line may be the shortest
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             /\,   distance between two points, but it
http://arranvale.com/mtim    \/\     is by no means the most interesting
 -= Fear the Penguin =-        /                                -Dr. Who

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