If you use initrd -what most embedded systems I know do, just add "exec
$SH" at the end of /linuxrc, $SH being the shell you want to use : for
example : exec /sbin/ash. The lightest yet usable shell I found was ash,
with Bruce Perens excellent busybox utility for essential binaries -cat,
ls, gunzip.

You'll be logged as root :-)

If you want to logon as another pre-definied user according to whatever
rules you wish, use some login binary of your choice, or some interesting
variation, such as tom's login shell script you can find in his excellent
tomsrtbt around www.toms.net.

At 17:54 04/08/99 -0700, John Lombardo wrote:
|Hi Richard,
|Name your program /bin/init (or /linuxrc if you're using the
|initrd file system), and you're "logged in" as root.  If you
|really want a login process, there is a program somewhere
|called "doprog" that will startup an arbitrary program as an
|arbitrary user.  Obviously you'll need to run this as root.
|John Lombardo
|> Greetings,
|> How do you get an embedded linux system to login
|> with a default user at
|> boot up?
|> Thanks
|> Richard
|> --------------------------------
|> Richard Jennings
|> Sandia National Labs
|> 7011 East Ave.
|> PO Box 969  MailStop 9055
|> Livermore, CA  94551
|> ph 925-294-2696
|> Fax 925-294-2550
|> ---------------------------------
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