Hi, all,

we at DSA are selling Motorola- based test equipment to our
customers for some time now. In order to be more independent from 
the processor platform we are thinking of running the equipment under 
Linux in the future. The hardware to be run under Linux is:

- CPU board with a 68070 with 16 bit flash-ROM (1 MByte), 16 bit 
wide SRAM (4 MByte) and an 8 or 16 bit wide DPR (dual ported SRAM, 32 

- The  serial interface built into the 68070 is used only for 
debugging/testing purposes at the moment.

- There is an additional quad UART for external devices and a RTC.

- After a reset the flash is addressed at 0 to make the boot
vectors and interrupts available. It can later be exchanged
with the SRAM, the flash then resides in upper memory and the
SRAM is at address 0 so that interrupt vectors can be changed.

- At the moment we use PDOS as the operating system. This is
a realtime multiuser multitasking operating system especially
for embedded systems. For our applications realtime and and
multiuser functions are not that important.

Does the list think our hardware could run uCLinux?
What would have to be done to make uCLinux run on our hardware?

We heard that the 68070 is not supported very well at the moment. If 
so, which 68xxx alternatives are to recommend?

Is the 68332 supported?

Does a development environment for a PC exist which enables us to 
produce kernel and applications for the target Motorola hardware?

I know that I am asking many questions at once, but we are starting 
basically from zero. We have a rather good knowledge about Linux in 
general and about the kernel on Intel platforms but are uCLinux 

Any help, pointers to more information to take the first hurdles is 
very welcome.

Andreas Hofer

DSA - Daten- und Systemtechnik GmbH
Andreas Hofer
Pascalstrasse 28
52076 Aachen- Oberforstbach
Tel. : 0 24 08 - 94 92 43
FAX  : 0 24 08 - 94 92 92

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