Might be of interest

 "Love the dolphins," she advised him. "Write by W.A.S.T.E.." 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 23:36:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Rick Hohensee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: libsys for GNU/Linux

I just posted a libsys.a-type thing to comp.lang.forth. It's C code
wrappers for most of the Linux system calls. The easy ones.
This can be built as a library or pasted into an app to allow writing
non-trivial C programs without libc, which is important when you're
trying to write something that isn't C, in C. It might also be handy
for install utils, rescue utils, or porting scenarios. I post here 
because this also emphasizes the importance of the kernel. A Forth
or similar environment based on this could easily provide a complete
user-space development environment in only 200k additional space
over the size of the kernel. That wouldn't allow kernel maintenance,
of course. "Not just unix, necessarily, but,  , beautiful." to mis-quote
my favorite bluesman.

This release is PD.
If you want a copy and don't want to deal with usenet email me.

Rick Hohensee
:; cLIeNUX0 /dev/tty2 r 23:11:32   /source/core/STATIC/libsys
:;wc libsys.a
    326    2303  136718 libsys.a

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