On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Alan Wang wrote:

> As we know, slab allocator can improve the performance of linux/unix
> dramatically. but for embedded OS, is slab still work well? is it too
> complicated for a embedded system. will it impose too much overload on
> embedded OS? does anyone have comment on it? thx.

SLAB is not just about performance - it's also useful for dealing with
fragmentation, which is important for small systems. SLABs allocate
objects of the same type out of a single pool. Not only do these objects
have the same size but they tend to have similar usage patterns. 

Non-SLAB systems have a problem when short-lived small entities like
dentries or skbs get allocated and removed at rapid rates, leaving behind
fragmented space of odd sizes which larger, longer-lived objects can't

Any, SLAB appears to work well and the code is not too large, so it's
probably not worth worrying about.

 "Love the dolphins," she advised him. "Write by W.A.S.T.E.." 

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