> Hello, Iam new to the list but a long time linux user. At least as far
> as dasj top systems are concerned. But, most of my professional time has
> been spent in real-time embedded systems.
> Now, my question. I am trying to get Linux up on an M-Systems 8MB
> DiskOnChip using their eval board. Thanks to their Linux how-to and
> driver I can get it to actually boot. My problem is the root file
> system.
> I build what I think is a complete one using the boot/root disk how-to
> and the M-sys doc. I then boot from the DOC and lo and behold it boots
> right up to logon. I then login as root, howvever all that happens is
> the system hesitates for about 10 seconds and then redisplays the login
> prompt. I am not running PAM and the system it was built from does not
> have a nsswitch.conf file so I believe I am ok there. I just can't log
> in.

One thing that I have done on single-floppy boot disks is to skip the
whole login thing entirely and just start a shell on the console and
on the first serial port.

Inittab looks like this...
# Minimal inittab for booting

rc.sysinit Looks like this
/bin/mount -av

echo "rc.sysinit" > /dev/console
stty sane < /dev/ttyS0
echo "rc.sysinit" > /dev/ttyS0

And rc.ttyS0 looks like this
echo "Debug Console now Active (tty0)" > /dev/ttyS0
/bin/sh < /dev/ttyS0 > /dev/ttyS0 2>&1

Hope this helps.

-- cary

> I have searched for docs that explain exactly what is done and the
> calling sequence is when logging in and I have come up empty.
> I have posted this to newsgroups and got exactly zip back. ANy help out
> there??
> The next step is to boot it in our design which is diskless and
> presently runs QNX.
> -- 
> Jeff Pierce

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