As far as I can tell from this list and other contacts I have, lots of people
everywhere would be glad to have some kind of sps using rt-linux, embedded
into some handy environment (x86 with lots of periphery on it).

It would be great to have a system with these features (this is a draft,
comments and improfments wellcome):
* low end processor, really cheap (could be high end, too, but why?)
* running linux
* open source, free
* programmable for the end-user in some sps-way (primitiv binary IO), hard
* extensible for more complex stuff (A/D, D/A conversion, floating point
     calculation, complex motion control) using some asyncronous userspace
* the programming language  for the end-user should be simple to learn and
      easy to use. It should be parsed by some kind of compiler and interpreted
      in the RT-context. Therefore the sps-part would be an interpreter in
* it should be able to share data with other, similar components to handle
      large arrays of machines working together. Therfore a tiny database
      using linux's networking abilities should keep all the necessary data
      for internal and external use. 

I am working in this area, but would have to do this is sparetime since my
boss has not understood the 'free'- aspect of it. Is anybody else intersted
and able to work on this?      

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