> I was wondering if linux is able to run on the following hw:
> 896 kb flashdisk
> 2048 ram
> 386EX
> 2 serial port
> embedded bios
> CS8900A ethernet RJ45

> console wil be attatched to com2
> I don't need ANY fansy things only rs-422 and TCP/IP ethernet support.
> The application will be small.
> I would be glad if there could be :
> ftp
> telnet
> and finger

The only ready distributions that can run on such machine are
Small Linux (http://smalllinux.netpedia.net/) and ELKS.

But I do not think they support your flash disk. (may be serial console too)
You need to get a driver for it somewhere, or write it on your own.
(as for serial console, there are ready patches)

Anyway, for 2 mb of ram you will need to make everything by hand.
(kernel, scripts, programs, etc.)

Also, such machine hardly will work interactively.. it will be able to run
only one login at a time.

> I hope that i can mount the flash disk as readonly (you know 100.000 times
> write/lifetime)

without kernel changes - no.


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