> I've just managed to get LinuxPPC (embedded-2.2.5 kernel) to boot on my
> custom MPC860 board using the initrd boot method.  I haven't got the
> nfs-root working yet but I imagine this shouldn't present too many
> problems.
> I want to be able to run FTP (client only), HTTP server, SNMP agent and
> TELNET server.
> What packages do I need to compile (cross-compile) to get these working
> ?
> Things I think I need are :
> * init
> * mount (do I NEED this ?)
> * ifconfig (do I NEED this ?)
> * inet
> * ftp, http, snmp and telnet software.
> Any pointers to documentation about getting a minimal embedded networked
> system up and running.

I had to do this for a network boot floppy for install.  My $0.02us.

1) Work forwards, not backwards.  I.E. put in the app you want,
   and see why it doesn't work, then add what it needs.  Most things
   will break the first time because of some lib or config file or
   directory missing.  Use strace to find out what these are and 
   add them.  If you just drop in the rpms for the packages you
   may get stuff you don't need.

2) You can skip the sysV init and start things right from inittab 
   (several other people have suggested this).

3) Put in some debugging tools like strace if you can fit them.

Have fun

-- cary

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