On Thu, 10 May 2001 05:12:23 -0700 (PDT), Petter Andersson wrote:

>I just wanna know if I could use linux to boot this
>board with. I don't have something called BIOS. Which
>way do you recommend? Writing a code to initialize
>devices (what BIOS does), or redesign the board to
>have a BIOS on it.

How much $$ do you have to spend?  The smallest of BIOS kits are
still expensive.  The one we use costs $10k.  Plus an extra grand or
so per chipset module.

linuxBIOS is free but some hacking required.  How are your x86
assembly skills?  

Richard A. Smith                         Bitworks, Inc.               
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               501.846.5777                        
Sr. Design Engineer        http://www.bitworks.com   

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