On Jul 11, 2007  00:30 -0500, Jose R. Santos wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 22:12:14 -0600
> Andreas Dilger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You might also want to test out placement of the journal in the middle
> > of the filesystem, the U. Wisconsin folks tested this in one of their
> > papers and showed some noticable improvements.  That isn't exactly
> > related, but it is a relatively simple tweak to mke2fs/tune2fs to give
> > it an allocation goal of group_desc[s_groups_count / 2].bg_inode_table
> > (to put it past inode table in middle group).
> Make sense.  Do you have a link to the paper?

I don't have a URL, but if you search for "IRON ext3" and go to Remzi's
site it is called "Analysis and Evolution of Journaling File Systems".

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger
Principal Software Engineer
Cluster File Systems, Inc.

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