FAI looks impressive, I've been searching for a tool similar to this
for weeks (found mondo, replicator, now fai and nais).

I need something like this to automate installs of a number of different
'profiles' - i.e. use one bootdisk to install machines of type A, another
bootdisk to install type B etc.

I'd prefer no user intervention at all.  Are there any alternatives or
solutions to configuring the machine by hand after the install?  Will
debconf help here (can we also install say a package of our own config
files, or use debconf's ability to remember previous configs?).

mondo is attractive as it creates a bootable CD which completely reinstalls
a machine, but I'd prefer not to maintain multiple disk images, I'd rather
stick with a central package repository for all types of install.

Any comments/ideas?

Niall Young

Linux Solutions -- www.linuxsolutions.net.au -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Providing Internet and Audio/Video Solutions and Consulting        
              Ph: 0407 421 537 -- PO BOX 1117, Gwelup WA 6018              

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