
Do some of you know about a tool that is able to make an installation

This will be about the same as generating a report on the machine.

I've begun to write sth that output a LaTeX report giving details about
the hardware, listing some important files as /etc/network/interfaces,
reporting the partitioning of the disks, giving the list of packages with
their versions and the .config in appendix.

Does this already exists ?

Btw, do you know a simple way to get the equivalent of dpkg -l (to get the
list of packages installed with their version) but which is not truncated.
(For the moment I have to parse myself /var/lib/dpkg/status.)

Philippe Biondi <biondi@ cartel-securite.fr> Cartel Sécurité
Security Consultant/R&D                      http://www.cartel-securite.fr
Phone: +33 1 44 06 97 94                     Fax: +33 1 44 06 97 99
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