>>>>> On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 04:00:45 -0800, Mike Horansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

    > Hello again, Do kernels that are to be installed by FAI need to
    > not have an initrd?  I made sure the chroot and nfsroot have
No, they do not need to have an initrd. All kernel packages that are
made by make-kpkg can be installed with or without using an initrd.

In the script DEFAULT/S01 is a line

fcopy /etc/kernel-img.conf

The DEFAULT file for this config file defines if an initrd should be
build or not.

Therefore you MUST define the kernel package to be installed with the
variable $addpackages (in a class/*.var file), and not add the package
name to a file in package_config. This is because the file
kernel-img.conf will be copies in DEFAULT/S01 and after that the
packages defined in $addpackages will be installed.

If you add a time-servers entry to your dhcpd.conf (this is
normally your fai install server, which only needs inetd running to
obtain the time) the warning messages from tar will go away, and your
install client will have the correct time set.

regards Thomas

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